The highlight of the festival will be the opening of the Art Route that winds out of Tartu in the summer of 2024. The beautiful landscape of Tartu municipality will be decorated with murals, eco-friendly sculptures and installations. Art can be found by the lake and at the fields, in the pedestrian tunnel and at Raadi airport – places you’d never expect to see art! The art route will be complemented by curatorial tours, excursions, on-site exhibitions in Tartu municipality and a travelling exhibition in Elva and Nõo municipality. Both young and old art lovers are welcome to attend the public workshops.
The artworks will be created in an international art camp and workshops in the run-up to the festival. Care for nature is an important part of the creative process: the works are designed to age with the environment, and green culture will be discussed in workshops during the festival.
The art route is set to continue to grow in the future, and all the works created will continue to delight culture lovers long after the festival is over! With the help of a web map in the making, anyone interested will be able to discover the picturesque route on their own.