Did you know that Estonia’s first choir was established in Kambja? Therefore, it is only fitting that in 2024 the Kambja Choir Academy will gather there, where Estonian choirs will reflect on the deeper meaning of choir music and, under the guidance of world-class conductors, directors and producers, learn how to organise their own big events.
The fruits of the academics’ work can be enjoyed from the 16th to the 18th of August, when ten different concerts take place by choirs who participated in the Kambja Choir Academy. The concerts will take place in Kambja, Ülenurme, Vana-Kuuste. Each concert will have the character of its organisers and singers, and the choirs themselves will decide on the repertoire. The musical experiences are not limited to the Kambja municipality – each choir participating in the academy will also give a concert for their local audience afterwards.
In addition, there will be a training session for the conductors of the children’s and school choirs participating in the Tartu Song Festival in 2024.