Tartu 2024 Holds First International Cultural Managers’ Forum
The Culture Compass forum “How to skilfully engage volunteers in culture?”, aimed at cultural managers and creators, will take place at the Estonian National Museum on 21 November. For the first time, both speakers and guests from other European countries are expected to attend the forum, organised for the fourth time by Tartu 2024 and the Department of Culture of the City of Tartu.

Held in the temporary exhibitions’ hall of the museum, the programme of the forum will be three-fold: best practices and systems for engaging volunteers will be introduced, experiences about engaging citizens of different cultural backgrounds will be shared, and engaging youths and the elderly will be discussed. It will also be possible to learn more about Tartu 2024’s plans for the future.
The forum’s main organiser Kalle Paas says that interest is growing towards finding volunteer work, as is the need for it. “Being a volunteer is a chance for people of all ages and backgrounds to get their first or new work experiences, to get to know new people and engage in exciting activities. Cultural managers need to know how to offer attractive opportunities to engage people in their work,” he explains the forum’s topics.
The European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 is also going to engage volunteers to bring their programme to life. Kalle Paas describes the potential number of volunteers with the example of the European Capital of Culture 2018, Leeuwarden-Friesland: “In Northern Holland a tenth of their population of 650,000 took part as volunteers during the title year. You don’t achieve this kind of engagement overnight – years of conscious work has to be put in.”
The speakers at the forum will be Anti Lillak (Estonian National Museum), Dan Prits (Tartu International House), Eha Paas (Estonian Village Movement Kodukant, volunteer pass), Jaan Ulst (Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival), Lemmit Kaplinski (TYPA), Marija Pulokaitė (Kaunas 2022, Lithuania), Michaela Snopková (Work in Estonia), Renata Kiss (City of Veszprém, Hungary), representatives of the City of Tampere, Finland, and Teele Vaalma (Tartu Marathon). The forum will be opened by the Mayor of Tartu, Urmas Klaas.
The event will start at 13.30 and will be interpreted into English and Estonian. Admission is free but pre-registration is required at http://bit.ly/Kultuurikompass4.
Culture Compass forum on environmentally friendly cultural management. Photo: Kiur Kaasik
Culture Compass is a programme by Tartu 2024 and the Department of Culture of the City of Tartu that aims to support cultural managers from Tartu and Southern Estonia, local and international cooperation and socially and environmentally sustainable cultural management. At three previous forums, experiences have been shared about crowdfunding, social media marketing and environmentally friendly cultural management. For more on Culture Compass, please see http://tartu2024.ee/events/culture-compass-capacity-building-forums
Kalle Paas
Project Manager
Tartu 2024 – European Capital of Culture
+372 53 421 824
[email protected]