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Side programme of “Business as Usual” will shed light on the obscure world of money laundering through discussion evenings

As part of the Estonian Drama Theatre’s event series Link, The side programme of “Business as Usual”, which belongs to the ECoC Tartu 2024 main programme, will give a better understanding of the world of money laundering with the help of renowned experts. The prelude of five performances offers a chance to take a closer look at how money laundering schemes can move millions of dollars and who are the real victims in such situations.

a moment from the rehearsal of “Business as Usual” (author – Heikki Leis)
05. Jun 2024

On Thursday, 6th of June at 18.00, two professionals – the internationally renowned expert in the fight against money laundering, Vadim Kleiner, and investigative journalist Holger Roonemaa – will kick off the premiere of “Business as Usual”.

Vadim Kleiner is a senior executive at Hermitage Capital Management, where, in partnership with Bill Browder, he has been active for many years in exposing the money-laundering schemes of Putin and the Russian authorities.

Vadim Kleiner (author – Vadim Kleiner)

Kleiner’s experiences of exposing global corruption, and in particular the corruption of Putin and the Russian elite, will also be heard in a longer public presentation at the money laundering discussion evening on Friday 7th of June from 17.00–18.30 in the Tartu Comb Factory (Teguri 26, Tartu) clubhouse. After Kleiner’s presentation, the audience will be joined by investigative journalist Martin Laine from Eesti Ekspress and Mehis Pihla, the author of the play “Business as Usual”, who will discuss why money laundering is actually legal in Estonia.

Both discussion evenings are free of charge and take place in the Tartu Comb Factory (Teguri 26, Tartu) clubhouse. All interested parties are welcome to listen and think along. On the 7th of June, the discussion evening will be broadcast live by Eesti Ekspress. Vadim Kleiner will present in English and Martin Laine and Mehis Pihla in Estonian.

Introductions to the performances will also take place on the 11th, 15th and 18th of June. Speakers include Taavi Tamkivi, co-founder of the anti-money laundering start-up Salv, Matis Mäeker, Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit, and Mark Kantšukov, Professor of Finance at the University of Tartu. These introductions will take place in the Comb Factory’s theatre hall, starting at 18:00 for theatre-goers with a ticket to the same day’s performance.

The partners of the “Business as Usual” side programme are the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, the University of Tartu’s School of Business and Economics, and Eesti Ekspress.