Youth Program: Ice Age Centre – Energy Crisis
16:00 - 18:00
Tartu city | Autovabaduse puiestee
- Other
- Side programme

Car-Free Avenue and Tartu Youth Work Center invite you to youth area! Tuesdays are dedicated to nature and animals, and this Tuesday the Ice Age Centre will visit to talk about the energy crisis.
Have you ever wondered how to manage without electricity? Or how we can all better utilize green energy? Our workshop offers the opportunity to discuss and learn about these important topics.
The workshop is open to all interested parties who wish to learn more about green energy and acquire skills for managing without electricity.
More about the Ice Age Centre:
The Car-Free Avenue youth program is organized by the Tartu Youth Work Centre.
Tartu Noorsootöö Keskus
- Helen Toomsalu
- [email protected]
Vabaduse puiestee, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti