Transgressive Joy
12:00 - 18:00
Tartu city | Aparaaditehas
- Exhibition/museum
- Main programme

Transgressive Joy is an art exhibition with art by transgender artists. Theme: “gender euphoria.” The exhibition is organized by Sven (@seitsmes_mnt) and Artur (@haresaint) from Eesti Transinimeste Ühing, for Pride week of Tartu 2024.
Transgressive Joy is an art exhibition celebrating transgender art and artists, focusing on themes of gender euphoria and transgression. While society appears more accepting and progressive, increased visibility of trans people has also led to more targeting and scapegoating. When existing is considered a threat, feeling comfortable in a world that often challenges one’s existence makes joy an act of transgression.
The idea was hatched by volunteers for the Estonian Trans Alliance (Eesti Transinimeste Ühing), as an event for Tartu Pride week 2024. The exhibition takes place in Rõdugalerii (Balcony gallery) in Aparaaditehas, with a hope of starting a larger tradition of bringing trans art out to the public.
Contributing artists are Rodion Furs (@jimmy_powertools /, Enn Nazarov (@nazar_daydreamer), Kert Elliott Mägi (@kurt_accursedd), Liz Pence (@comik.books), Sven Mantsik (@seitsmes_mnt) and an anonymous artist.
Organised by: Sven-Aleksander Mantsik (@seitsmes_mnt), Artur Abram Hagi (@haresaint)
The exhibition will open on July 24, 2024, and remains on display until August 18, 2024, coinciding with Tartu Pride 2024.
Rõdugalerii in Aparaaditehas is on the second floor, above Aparaat restaurant, upstairs through door nr 7.
Tartu 2024 Pride is part of the Tartu European Capital of Culture main program.
Tartu 2024 Pride main sponsor is Nordea, sponsors are Swedbank, KULKA, US Embassy and Norwegian Embassy.
Tartu 2024 is organized by Tartu LGBT+, Eesti LGBT Ühing and MTÜ Sevenbow. Organizational partners are Peemoti Keskus, Guttenberg, Vikerruum, Progressiivne Liikumine, Siinpool Sood, Teet Suur Creation, MÜLÄ, Soome Instituut, Tallinn Bearty, Tartu Kirjanduse maja, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Pussy Jam Comedy Show, Ugala Teater, Elektriteater jt.
- Keio Soomelt
- [email protected]
Kastani 42, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti