Kullaaugu film music residency: Concert – Garcia da Selva (Portugal)
19:00 - 21:00
Põlva parish | Põlva Kultuurikeskus
- Film
- Music
- Other
- Main programme
Free for students, 8 euros for others
At the Põlva Cultural Centre, the composer will give a concert, and in addition will present his work methodology and creative process.
This year’s fourth resident, Garcia da Selva, is working on his musical project at Kullaaugu, Ahja.
At the Põlva Cultural Centre, the composer will present his work methodology and creative process. In addition, a concert will take place in the Põlva Cultural Center in the club Underground.
The event will take place in English.
Listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3yDtwakaA51nKrLPgSp0vq
During the year 2024, Kullaaugu music farm will bring 5 international composers to South Estonia for a film music residency.
Project ‘Kullaaugu film music residency’ is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
MTÜ Kullaaugu / Vastupandamatu OÜ
- Aigar Vals
- [email protected]
- kullaaugu.ee
Kesk tänav 15, Põlva, Põlva maakond, Eesti
Other dates
T 5. Dec at 19:00
Kullaaugu film music residency: Concert – Minna Koskenlahti (Finland)
Põlva parish | Põlva Kultuurikeskus
S 7. Dec at 19:00
Kullaaugu film music residency: Masterclass – Minna Koskenlahti (Finland)
Tartu city | Genialistide klubi