Formula of Luck or from a Dairy to a Millionaire!
19:00 - 21:00
Kambja parish | Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseum
- Theatre
- Main programme

Performance Formula of Luck or from a Dairy to a Millionaire! is telling a story of adventures of knight landlord Peeter Muna (1864-1934) accompanied by cheese and electicity and shows what are the real treasures and values in life.
What is the formula for happiness? Is it the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of riches? Is it hard work, achieving success, and climbing the career ladder? Or is it the loved ones who are always there for support? Whether in the past, present, or future century, whether living in the countryside or the city – everyone is searching for the formula for happiness at all times and everywhere.
The landlord of Ülenurme Manor, Peeter Muna, was an ambitious, active Estonian man who achieved much in his lifetime but also experienced great losses. Sailing between the peaks of success and the depths of failure, did Lord Muna find the formula for happiness? Come and see, and perhaps you will find some answers. Just like in life, the play includes bursts of laughter, moments of tenderness, notes of sadness, and food for thought.
The play was written for performance at Ülenurme Manor, now the Estonian Agricultural Museum.
It all started with:
Text author – Peep Pedmanson. Peep is the author of the very popular series “Kälimehed,” the short films for children known as “Mirjami,” the timeless Estonian film “Vanad ja Kobedad saavad jalad alla,” and many other works that have become popular texts among the people.
Director – Kristo Toots. Kristo is the owner, director, and actor of NGO Miksteater. The theater has mixed over 1600 performances both in Estonia and abroad.
Featuring excellent actors:
Martin Tikk
Anne-Mai Tevahi
Katrin Kalma
Oliver Valk
Margo Mitt
Kristin Kooskora
Martin Metsanurk
Creative staff:
Stage and costume designer: Maarja Meeru
Lighting design: Martin Meelandi
Makeup artist: Viktoria Rüster
Choreographer: Kadri Lepasson
Musical arrangement: Emma Elisabeth Toots – violin, bagpipes
Musical arrangement: Viktoria (Riko) Misnik – accordion, concertina
Musical arrangement: Jakob Ermann – violin, kannel
The performance “The Formula for Happiness or From Dairy to Millionaire!” is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.
If you want to grab a bite or need a place to stay, see what the Tartu 2024 hospitality network offers in the area:
SA Eesti Maaelumuuseumid/Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseum
- Kadri Ratas-Röand
- 5333 4168
- [email protected]
Muuseumi 4, Ülenurme, Tartu maakond, Eesti