Dark Matter Week 2024
Tartu city | Tartu tähetorn ja Tartu observatoorium
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On October 31, Dark Matter Day is celebrated worldwide. On this occasion, Tartu Observatory and Old Observatory of University of Tartu have created a special program from October 29 to November 5, where science and art come together to shed light on the universe’s greatest mystery – dark matter.
Dark matter is the Universe’s invisible superstar! Even though we can’t see it, we know that dark matter is all around us and makes up a whole quarter of the Universe’s mass and energy. And that’s not all — the Universe’s expansion is driven by a mysterious force called dark energy, which takes up as much as 70 percent of the Universe. This means that a large part of the Universe is still a big mystery waiting to be solved!
From October 29 to November 5, we will celebrate Dark Matter Week with public lectures aimed at exploring the cosmic mysteries.
As a special event, an art exhibition will open in November at Tartu Observatory in Tõravere.
Tartu Ülikooli Tartu observatoorium
- Karin Pai
- [email protected]
- kosmos.ut.ee
Uppsala 8, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti