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Archived event
S 20. Oct 2024

Conclusion of the Art Residency “Embodied Archive”

16:00 - 18:00

Tartu city | Emajõe Lodjakoja puutöösaal

  • Community
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  • Main programme



Artists Bettina Hutschek, Mia Tamme, Rasmus Jensen and Vaim Sarv will introduce on the 20th of October at Emajõe Lodjakoda in Tartu their process and outcome of the art residency “Embodied Archive”.

During the residency the artists interacted with the archives in Tartu – to find ways how to give to the archival material an embodied dimension. The working process with the archives involved interaction with the archivists, folklorists and collection keepers, as well as with the community members of Setomaa region.


4.00pm Gathering at the front of Emajõe Lodjakoda

– Introduction (curator: Ann Mirjam Vaikla); in Estonian and English
– Residency projects introduced and shared by the artists:

Thunderbolts and Other Stones / Bettina Hutschek
the biography of linen / Mia Tamme
cooker and the cooked / Rasmus Jensen
Reworking Regilaul / Vaim Sarv

6.00pm Approximate end of the event

Location: Emajõe Lodjakoja puutöösaal, Ujula 98, Tartu

NB! The event will take place both in- and outdoors – please dress accordingly!

Thank you: Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian National Museum, National Archive
Residency “Embodied Archive” takes place as part of the Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture’s main programme in collaboration with MagiC Carpets’ residency network (funded by the Creative Europe). It forms a sequence to a last years’ residency cycle wherein the artists Eglė Šimėnaitė, Juss Heinsalu, Marit Mihklepp and Piibe Kolka worked in collaboration with the scientists of Tõravere Observatory.

Bettina Hutschek is a visual artist, filmmaker, and curator who lives and works between Malta and Berlin. She uses fragments of different realities to tell stories. Through storytelling, she analyses contemporary questions and concerns, and translates them into contemporary “myths”. All of her stories examine the possibilities of knowledge transfer – what do we know, and what do we believe to know?

Mia Tamme is an artist and storyteller based in Tallinn. Her ongoing projects deal with archives – imagined, institutionalised and bodily. In her filmic, written and performative works she patches together oral family histories, and ethnographic-infused field research to imagine the realities that might have fallen out of patriarchal nationalist archiving practices.

Rasmus Jensen is a performance maker based in Tallinn. His practice is occupied with extended notions of sensibility and perception achieved through various speculative body-based practices. His works are looking for ways of giving presence to the realities which lie in the periphery of our sensorial experiences, thus lingering between the fictive and the actual, looking for the small gaps in which we could be in the world otherwise.

Vaim Sarv on eksperimentaalne laulja, sündmuste korraldaja ja luuletaja. Tema muusikaline praktika lähtub vaba improvisatsioonist, mürast ja paganlikust suulisest pärimusest. Tema ritualistlikud performance-id ja kogukonna projektid võimendavad ühiselt kogetavate elamuste jõudu ja pidulikkust. Vaimu looming tegeleb soome-ugri laulutraditsiooni – regilaulu, dek


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  • Partially accessible for the visually impaired


Magic Carpets


Ujula 98, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

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