A musical journey through Europe: concert of two accordion orchestras
17:00 - 18:45
Tartu city | Tartu Heino Elleri Muusikakooli Tubina Saal
- Music
- Side programme

A joint concert of the Estonian accordion orchestra and the Munich accordion orchestra in Tartu
A joint concert of the Estonian accordion orchestra and the Munich accordion orchestra in Tartu is part of the additional program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024. The concert will take place on Sunday, August 11 at 5 pm in the Tubin Hall of the Heino Eller Tartu Music School. Each orchestra performs the works of both international and Estonian composers, ranging from classics to nowadays. Admission to the concert is free and is strongly recommended for music lovers of all ages who want to take an exciting musical journey through Europe.
The concert is part of the concert tour of the Munich accordion orchestra in Estonia, which will take them in three Estonian cities: Tartu, Pärnu and Tallinn.
The Estonian youth accordion orchestra was created in the spring of 2022 and consists of about 30 young accordionists aged 12-19 from all over Estonia. The orchestra’s repertoire includes works from different eras, genres and styles. During the short period of activity, they have already successfully participated and won titles in several European international accordion competitions. The orchestra’s chief conductor is Kristel Laas.
Since its establishment in October 1986, the orchestra has been under the direction of Karin Renner-Kiese and has become an integral part of Munich’s cultural life. The orchestra consists of students, young accordionists, teachers as well as hobby musicians. Over the years, the orchestra has performed and visited competitions in Germany, in several countries across Europe, but also in the US and China. The orchestra’s ever-changing repertoire includes the Baroque era and classic, film music and rock-pop to contemporary.
Eesti Akordioniliit
- Junianna Zatsarnaja
- [email protected]
Lossi 15, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti