Youth Program: Biodiversity x Tartu Nature House
13:00 - 18:00
Tartu city | Autovabaduse puiestee
- Other
- Side programme

Car-Free Avenue and Tartu Youth Work Center invite you to youth area! Tuesdays are dedicated to nature and animals, and this Tuesday, Tartu Nature House invites young people to explore biodiversity.
At Car-Free Avenue, you can peek under a microscope in the Tartu Nature House tent to learn to notice nature even more keenly and interpret what you see, to reflect on the biodiversity around us and how we relate to different species. How can we live in harmony with nature without destroying it out of ignorance and fear? Even species that some people fervently wish to get rid of have a positive side.
The youth program at the Car-Free Avenue is organized by the Tartu Youth Work Center.
Tartu Noorsootöö Keskus
- Helene Toomeoks
- [email protected]
Vabaduse puiestee, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti