Tõrva Loits
20:00 - 03:00
Tõrva parish | Tõrva
- Music
- Main programme

An original interpretation of Estonian mythology, folklore and culture will captivate both local and foreign visitors, and bring us closer to the legends that are increasingly forgotten in everyday life.
On July 20, Estonia’s largest open-air spectacle of fire, water and music Tõrva Loits will take place.
Tõrva Loits, which is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, comes back stronger than ever after a six-year break. Almost 10 hectares of festival area and 3 different performance venues. The best Estonian artists, the world’s biggest drums, water, fire and light effects, the biggest bonfire of the year, an unprecedented laser show and unique light installations and Jaan Roose doing tricks on the slackline.
This year’s show is subtitled “Ouroboros”, which symbolizes the infinity of being, and whose best-known expression is a mythical snake devouring its own tail.
Puuluup, Duo Ruut, Säm, Grete Paia, Meisterjaan, Silver Ulvik and Estonian rock legend Tanel Padar together with Lenna will perform at the festival. In addition, foreign performers from Ukraine will perform. The party lasts until the morning at MÖK, or the Municipal Nightclub.
18:30 Opening of gates
20.00 Tõrva Loits “Ouroboros”
23:00 Light show around the picturesque lake Veskijärv
00:00 – 03:00 MÖK (Municipal Night Club) in the big tent
If you want to grab a bite or need a place to stay, see what the Tartu 2024 hospitality network offers in the area: https://tartu2024.ee/recommendations-torva
Tõrva Vallavalitsus
Valga 1, Tõrva, Valga maakond, Eesti