Overtones of South Estonian Country Sheds
15:00 - 16:15
Antsla parish | Antsla vallamaja kuur
- Music
- Main programme
Antsla kontsert on tasuta, Sassi talu kontserdi pileti hind 15€, Hellenurme 20€

"Overtones of South Estonian Country Sheds" is a series of concerts by Silver Sepp at three country sheds in Piirissaare, Otepää and Antsla. Silver has come to understand that country sheds still contain the fullness of traditional Estonian culture, whose essence is in danger of being decayed by time.
The local musical vernacular, too, is preserved in country sheds and there is little time left to forge a bond with it. Silver tunes and makes music with the old objects found in sheds. He lets skis, harrows and old wagon wheels speak and sing in their own voices, telling stories about how things were, and how they will be.
Silver seeks to bring the overtones of South Estonian country sheds back to life before the last wild shed with its many layers of history collapses. His country shed concerts, within the framework of Tartu 2024’s “Arts of Survival”, are events balanced on the border between permanence and transience, giving rise to space for creativity and improvisation that makes each concert unique.
The first concert can be reached by travelling along Emajõgi river on 8 June as far as the fisherman’s shed in Piirissaare.
The first concert will take place in the town centre of Otepää on 14 June. At the venue KUUR, country shed culture has already been
celebrated for several summers. An old wooden shed has been turned into a lovely summer gathering place for people who love music.
Café Elsa, in whose yard the concert shed is located, will provide some culinary experiences.
The second country shed is a mystical, mysterious old town hall shed in the middle of Antsla, where Silver’s concert will be the finale to the local craft fair on 16 June.
The third concert can be reached by travelling along Emajõgi river on 28 June as far as the fisherman’s shed in Piirissaare.
All the concerts will be outdoors; the concerts and the grounds around the sheds are intended to create an artistic whole lit by the lighting artist Rene Liivamägi.
Welcome to an exciting summer journey through music, word and local country shed traditions.
Extra concert will be on 14 September in the last working watermill in Estonia in Hellenurme that will be used as a musical instrument.
More info: Silver Sepp Muusika Facebook page and Instagram @silverseppmuusika
OÜ Loomepuhkus
- Silver Sepp
- 55697623
- [email protected]
- silversepp.ee
Antsla, Võru maakond