Hunyuan Taiji Neigong
09:00 - 17:00
Tartu city | Tartu Budoklubi, II korrus
- Training
- Side programme
all three days 120€; two days 90€; one day 50€; one 3 hour period 20€.

Have you ever wondered what Taiji, or Qigong/Neigong exercises are? How does it heal, calm and develop your body? Take the opportunity and find out. The seminar is intended for both those who are already practicing and those who are just starting out. Provides basic knowledge for both health promotion and application in martial arts. It is affordable without any prior preparation.
Another 3-day Hunyuan Taiji seminar will be held in Tartu. Three days provide a good opportunity to understand and experience first-hand the effects of ancient Chinese health and martial arts. It is affordable without any prior preparation.
Scedule: 31.05.-01.06.24. 02.06.24..
9.oo – 12.oo I session 9.oo – 12.oo I sesssion
14.oo – 17.oo II session 14.oo – 17.oo II session
18.oo – 21.oo III session
Includes meditative body and mind exercises for awakening/generating inner energy, partner exercises for unfolding eight spiral forces of Taiji.
Price: all three days 120€; two days 90€; one day 50€; one 3 hour period 20€.
You may come for one or several periods, single or all three days. It is recommended to attend all three.
Possibility to sleep in hall with own sleepingbag.
If you want to grab a bite or need a place to stay, see what the Tartu 2024 hospitality network offers in the area:
Tartu Budoklubi MTÜ
- Merje Villu Rinaldo
- 53030556
- [email protected]
Liiva 41, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti